Letter From the Farm
As the years have slipped by and I haven't written on this blog I have had the impulse with each passing growing season to write a letter from the farm. An impulse to share our gratitude for the loyal customers that have braved the madhouse that Chase's Daily can be to grab up handfuls of filet beans, balance armloads of corn, crowd in for a few of those first tomatoes. And an interest in sharing what we've learned. To let everyone know that we have a small apple orchard planted, and plums, and blueberries. That this year we won't grow any tomatoes outside. And that with each passing year we are putting more and more of our acres into cover crops. Farming is dynamic--always changing and evolving--as are we. I can't catch up to my last post in April of 2007 in one fell swoop but suffice it to say we continue to grow!